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Группы : Дискографии


Samael: "Blood Ritual" – 1992

энциклопедия: Samael

Состав группы:

  • Vorphalack – гитара, вокал
  • Xytras – ударные, клавишные
  • Masmiseim – бас

Samael: "Blood Ritual" – 1992


  1. Epilogue
  2. Beyond The Nothingness
  3. Poison Infiltration
  4. After The Sepulture
  5. Macabre Operetta
  6. Blood Ritual
  7. Since The Creation. . .
  8. With The Gleam Of The Torches
  9. Total Consecration
  10. Bestial Devotion
  11. ...Until The Chaos


1. Epilogue

In a world of sorrow,
A tormented soul dreams of vengeance,
Through man she will live,
Through blood she will rule

2. Beyond The Nothingness

In the darkness of an endless night
At the dawn of eternal life
In the coldness of a land without sun
Our spirits dive in the world of silence
Farther into infinity
Beyond the nothingness

Atrocious vision of death
Indescribable horror of darkness

Desolation of absolute emptiness
Unbearable sensation of impotence

We're dazzled by total obscurity of the parallel world
Our senses are numb for our longest journey

– Master speak, we're listening!
– Father order, we'll obey!

We're all one
And one is him

3. Poison Infiltration

Slow and painful death
Subtle and dangerous attack
– Brook of scorn
– Stream of anger
– River of hate

Poison infiltration society

Rich and poor
Noblemen and beggars
Everyone has the key

Personal vengeance or
Crime of passion
Cyanide remain eternal

Mixture prepared in somber conspirations
Everywhere it sups poison sows confusion

Neither the wheel, nor stake
Can stop his ravages
Neither the wheel, nor stake
Will calm people's hate

Viscous and long degradation
No matter the administered dose
Nobody can be immunized

4. After The Sepulture

Nothing ever stops
Everything starts again
The end and the beginning
Are eternal lovers

Prisoners of our bodies
From the cot to the grave
Impotent puppets
We aspire to the light

The sun will turn in black
You will see the dark . . .After the sepulture

Grams of their brother's cries
Spirit lastly free oneself
Like raise the incense smoke
And the funeral orations

Here time is unreal
Hours and minutes are meaningless
Here eternity has a name
Remorse and penitence

The sun will turn in black
You will see the dark . . .After the sepulture

Life is just an illusion
Going round and round

5. Macabre Operetta

– Bodies consecrated to the earth
– Spirit to the light . . .

– Life can't be infinite
– Only pain is eternal

Cry for the ruined time
You've lost to understand,
The meaning of life will stay a mystery
But you now have the answers about death

6. Blood Ritual

Life, where suffering is the only satisfaction
Sadness of my nights without sleep
Anguish to be alone against all

Ritual of blood, where a human being
Gives his life for mine
Spills his blood for mine

Now I will be them and they will be mine
And we'll be one above your god

Blood ritual / purification of the blood
Blood ritual / Total consecration

My spirit has dived into the infernal storm of evil
My soul is forever tormented
Take advantage of this journey fluid
Deliver your soul from claws of ignorance

– Death is the only way to escape the misery of life
– Death is the only way to reach the supreme power

The caress of the blade on his skin
Is waking up my own cruel dreams

Look the so coveted liquid going out of his body
Look the sacred fluid spilling out of his wounds

Let your mind be impregnated
By this mad attraction

7. Since The Creation. . .

Every man born evil
Someone will try to be good as they can,
Some other will dedicate their life
To the unholy lord of the earth

8. With The Gleam Of The Torches

The Priest:
– Everything's ready
– Go and get me fresh meat
– We're thirst for sacred beverage
– Hurry up! I can't wait anymore

The Assembly:
– Here she is, the promised virgin

Her nude body plays with the unstable shadows
Her long hair hides her breasts, she rises her head
Her eyes are shinning with the gleam of the torches

The Priest:
– Look deep in my eyes, you little bitch
– Look at your death, she smiles at you

Priest Reflection:
Death opens her arms to you
You tremble and your body is wet
You haven't to be scared, you'll be saved
You'll suffer, you'll die, you'll be free

The Priest:
– I wish to hear her weep
– I wish to hear her cry
– I wish to hear her yell
Of disgust . . . of fear . . . of pain

The Priest With The Crowd:
-We're gonna take care of you

9. Total Consecration

From the north, from the south
From the west, from the east

I summon you, gods of the pit
Come to us, infernal legions

Satan, father of men, god of gods
Take a look at your children tonight
They give you their souls

10. Bestial Devotion

Tired and submissive
Lying down on the black altar
She waits passive and anguished
A frost silence guides into the assembly

Priest Reflection:
Only my invocation resounds in the heads
of the followers

Priest With The Crowd:
– Glory to you Ounis
– Praise be to Ounis

The Priest:
– So her blood nay quench your thirst
– So her meat may appease your hunger
– For you, we'll eat the red crown
– For you, we'll lick the green crown

Priest With The Crowd:
– Glory to you Ounis
– Praise be to Ounis

The blade penetrates deeply in the young flesh
All together copulate with the bloody wounds

The Priest:
Here's the theater of our dreams
– This is the beauty of absurdity

Priest With The Crowd:
– Glory and praise be to Ounis

11. ...Until The Chaos

For misery
Torture and pain

Blood will wake my soul
Blood will set the road of man


Come down
Burn away
It's never
Never chained away

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